B'Nai Maccabim
B'Nai Maccabim
Movement for Covenant Judaism B'Nai Maccabim Synagogue B'Nai Maccabim Lithuania Beit HaTorah Synagogue
Movement for Covenant JudaismB'Nai Maccabim SynagogueB'Nai Maccabim LithuaniaBeit HaTorah Synagogue

Membership of B'Nai Maccabim

Why become a member?

We live in a world where commitment is no longer recognised as a positive thing. People want to be able to just walk away if things get difficult, if they feel hurt or offended, or if they feel like doing something new. We see this happening in all walks of life and in personal relationships.


At B'Nai Maccabim, we believe commitment is it is essential in the service of G-d. This is why we encourage membership, which involves you making a firm commitment to the synagogue, and the synagogue - that means leaders and members - making a firm commitment to you.


We take the responsibility of membership very seriously; our members become part of our mishpoucha (family) by taking that step of commitment. That doesn't mean that life will always run smoothly - all families have their squabbles and issues, and nobody's perfect - but it does mean that we can deal with any issues in an attitude of love and acceptance - and in a way that pleases G-d and blesses our community.


What does membership involve?

When you become a member, we commit to:

  • Providing you with an environment of worship, study and fellowship in accordance with the Jewish Scriptures.
  • Praying for you, and all aspects of your life, regularly and faithfully.
  • Providing you with counselling, encouragement and spiritual guidance      (Yes, even if it means the occassional nudge to get you back on track!).
  • Encouraging and training you in your gifting and talents.
  • Welcoming you as mishpoucha (family).


In return, we expect our members to:

  • Strive to lead a Torah-observant life-style.
  • Observe Shabbat, High Holy Days and Festivals.
  • Be faithful in attending services and other events.
  • Pray regularly for leadership and members.
  • Tithe and support the synagogue financially.
  • Respect the spiritual authority of the synagogue leadership.
  • Treat everyone with respect and stand firm against 'lahson hara' - the evil tongue, which means gossip or derogatory talk about others.


Now, ask yourself these questions:

  • Are you Jewish, either by birth or by choice (conversion course available)?
  • Do you recognise and accept that Yeshua is the promised Messiah of Israel?
  • Have you been coming along to services for a while?
  • Are you ready to commit yourself to a spiritual home?


If you answered 'YES' to all four, ask to speak with the Rabbi about membership.


If you answered 'NOT SURE', ask the Rabbi answer any questions you may have.


If you answered 'NO', then we are delighted to have you to continue to worship with us as a visitor!

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